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Canada is a country with a considerable number of reputable higher education institutions. If you want to pursue your academic ambitions at one of these establishments, you will need to get a Canadian study visa.

Let’s view some of the prerequisites for acquiring a Canadian student visa:

  • Are accepted at a designated learning institution.
  • Can demonstrate financial capacity to cover studies and living costs.
  • Have a clean history without any criminal records.
  • Positive medical examination report that confirms that you are in good health .

Student Direct Stream (SDS)

As an international student, you will be able to fast-track the study permit with the help of Student Direct Stream. However, this opportunity is available only for students who come from one of the eligible countries. Moreover, you will need to provide a Guaranteed Investment Certificate upfront to be considered for it.

Benefits of studying in Canada

  • We can place you in affordable cost learning institutions allowing you to gain world-class quality education with lower tuition fees.
  • As an international student, you may work on campus and off campus during your studies.
  • After graduation, you are eligible for a 3 years open work permit which enables you to work with any Canadian employer. With your Canadian work experience, you are then eligible for permanent residency programs such as the Canadian Class Experience and the Provincial Nominees Program.
  • Once you obtain permanent residency leading to citizenship, you can sponsor your loved ones in Canada.

Let’s get in touch

Are you interested in studying in Canada to gain world renowned education? Whether you already have an offer letter from a Canadian university or not, you may get in touch with us. Our team is there to provide all the help that you need to secure a study permit in Canada.

Interested in another country? Get in touch today and we will help you narrow down the options.